

Result(s) found for “Wheatstone”

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    Wheatstone WHEATSTREAM-8

    8 Input Channel Streaming Blade, without I/O

    Need the power of Streamblade, but not the rest of the marvelous functions of a Blade? Wheatstream is just what you're after. It too is a single rack space device that has the streaming and...

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    Wheatstone Wheatstream 3

    8 Input Channel Streaming Blade, without I/O

    Need the power of Streamblade, but not the rest of the marvelous functions of a Blade? Wheatstream is just what you're after. It too is a single rack space device that has the streaming and...

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    Wheatstone STREAMBLADE-8

    8 Channel Proccessor

    Streamblade addresses the unique challenges of multiple program streams. It is a 1 RU BLADE unit for streaming applications that features key Wheatstone AoIP, audio processing and codec bandwidth...

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    Wheatstone STREAMBLADE-3

    3 Channel Proccessor

    Streamblade addresses the unique challenges of multiple program streams. It is a 1 RU BLADE unit for streaming applications that features key Wheatstone AoIP, audio processing and codec bandwidth...

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  • BSW PART: MP-532

    Wheatstone MP-532

    FM/AM/HD/STREAM Muti-Processor

    Wheatstone's new MP-532 FM audio processor is an affordable single-space rack unit that can handle any and all your broadcast processing applications – FM, AM, FM HD, AM HD, HD-only, or Streaming...

  • BSW PART: GSX-2424

    Wheatstone GSX-2424

    24 Fader GSX Frame Control Surface

    GSX brings all of Wheatstone's innovations together into a ready-to-go console/control surface that can easily handle the fast-changing roles of modern broadcast studios. It's a turnkey console...


    Wheatstone IP-MTR-64

    Wheatnet-IP Meter GUI - Custom Meter Displays

    Wheatstone's IP Meters software displays a “wall of meters” on a PC screen for ongoing monitoring of audio peak levels, average levels, and various other parameters at selected points throughout the...

  • BSW PART: GSX-2420

    Wheatstone GSX-2420

    24 Fader GSX Frame Control Surface

    GSX brings all of Wheatstone's innovations together into a ready-to-go console/control surface that can easily handle the fast-changing roles of modern broadcast studios. It's a turnkey console...

  • BSW PART: GSX-2416

    Wheatstone GSX-2416

    24 Fader GSX Frame Control Surface

    GSX brings all of Wheatstone's innovations together into a ready-to-go console/control surface that can easily handle the fast-changing roles of modern broadcast studios. It's a turnkey console...

  • BSW PART: GSX-1212

    Wheatstone GSX-1212

    12 Fader GSX Frame Control Surface

    GSX brings all of Wheatstone's innovations together into a ready-to-go console/control surface that can easily handle the fast-changing roles of modern broadcast studios. It's a turnkey console...


    Wheatstone GLASS-LXE

    Virtual LXE Console Software

    Similar in function, feel and layout to the network’s flagship LXE hardware control surface, Glass LXE is fully functional and studio-ready as a user interface with familiar buttons, knobs and...