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Intraplex STL HD is a digital Studio-to-Transmitter Link (STL) system specifically designed for IBOC conversion for HD Radio. It is an ideal choice for a single studio-to-transmitter link or multi-location wide area audio, telephone and data network. You can deploy it as a wide area audio and data transport network allowing multiple locations to share talent and administrative resources, reducing operating costs. These other applications “ride for free” with the program audio. The STL HD operates over all types of T1 circuits: private, public leased (telco) circuit, microwave and Spread Spectrum radio or T1 subcarrier over video microwave.
This IX-STLHD package includes two T1 multiplexers, one each 48/44.1 ksps linear stereo audio encode and decode modules (PT-353/PR-353) with MA-508 and MA-509 module adapters and a universal AC power supply. Both analog and AES/EBU digital inputs and outputs are provided. Integral CSUs with RJ-48C T1 interface connectors are included.
BSW now has low prices on Intraplex products. Call us for your price quote on this package or any Intraplex product. This system is expandable to multiple systems with the addition of a CrossConnect server. Call BSW for details.
• 24 channels of 16-bit uncompressed transfer
• 44.1 ksps audio modules take full advantage of IBOC conversion for HD Radio
• Uncompressed audio is free from artifacts introduced by digital data reduction algorithms
• Unique features support IBOC including built-in data channel for program associated data, digital and analog I/O and AES timing clock input
• Requires no line of site to the transmitter or overcrowded 950 frequencies
• Across town or across country, digital audio is crystal clear regardless of distance
• STL HD is inherently bi-directional and allows simultaneous transport of TSL backhaul, plus LAN data, telephone circuit or remote control over the same link
• T1 links cost less than the multiple leased circuits that they can replace and are more convenient than licensing multiple TSL links
• IntraGuide™ software provides system control (SNMP is also available)
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