The Telos Hx2 represents the highest state-of-the-art in hybrid performance, with Telos processing technologies that take the POTS hybrid to a new level of consistently superior performance, regardless of telephone line characteristics.
Inside the dual-hybrid Hx2, you'll find advanced hybrid technology with new features that significantly sweeten and control caller audio. It comes standard with Auto-Answer, caller disconnect detection, sophisticated new audio-leveling and anti-feedback routines for enhanced open-speaker applications, call screening and line-hold features, front-panel send and receive audio metering, plus much more.
• Advanced hybrid algorithms
• New symmetrical wide-range AGC and noise gate by Omnia, with adjustable gain settings
• Studio adaption and pitch shifter help prevent feedback in situations where open speakers are required
• Adjustable caller override improves performance and allows you to individualize the degree to which the announcer ducks the caller audio
• Digital Dynamic EQ and adjustable smart leveler keeps audio spectrally consistent from call to call
• New EQ High and EQ Low display meters for each hybrid
• Separate Send level and Receive level meters for each hybrid
• Status Symbols make life easier for producers and talent with their animated high-contrast icon display of line status
• Place caller on-hold via front panel button
• Auto-Answer with selectable ring count
• Worldwide disconnect signal detection. (loop drop, dial tone, or re-order tone)
• Input/output via analog XLR (Optional AES3 I/O module for Hx2)
• Input switchable between MIC or LINE levels