
Welcome to our Find an Engineer Resource Hub!

At BSW, we understand the importance of seamless installations and optimal technical support.

This page serves as a one-stop destination for finding the perfect engineer for your project. Whether you're a seasoned professional or starting an LPFM, our curated ever evolving resources provide you with people who can get your gear off the ground and in the airwaves!

Your success is our priority, and this resource hub is designed to empower you in maximizing the potential of our premium radio solutions.

Specializing in: Radio, TV, RF, Studio, Transmission, Automation, Network Content, Distribution,

Designs (Studio/Core/Air chain), Buildouts, Maintenance, Processing (Microphone and Headphone), AoIP Integration, Custom Scripting (Wheatstone, Axia Pathfinder), Phone systems (SIP, legacy, etc), Site Remote Control Systems, Audio Processing, AM/FM Transmitter Installation, Troubleshooting, & Maintenance, HD Radio Implementation, Remote Voice Tracking, Installation, updates, and conversions, Music and traffic integration, Metadata and RDS, Remote Voice Tracking, Installation, updates, and conversions, Music and traffic integration, Metadata and RDS, RF STL Links (950MHz, 11GHz, Unlicensed), Telco STL Links (T1, Metro-E, MPLS, Public Internet), Streaming Encoding, FCC Compliance, Project Management, Budgeting, and much more!

(248) 706-6963 pstewart@summittechgroup.com Summit Technology Group

Specializing in: Radio, TV, RF, Computer Networking, Automation, Logging, EAS, Regulatory Compliance, Custom Software, Onsite Engineering, Remote Support, Emergency Engineering, AoIP, STL, Studio Build, Transmitter Installation, Due Diligence, OSHA Certified Tower Climber

(312) 286-9918 pfemal@pmeworks.com Public Media Engineering, LLC

Specializing in: Radio, TV, RF, Satellite, Networking, AM directional, NRSC & FM 73.317 meas, AM/FM/TV transmitter site & studio construction, due diligence, AOIP installs, systems design & integration, onsite engineering & remote support, emergencies, FCC upgrades & apps

(206) 829-8170 info@ztransform.com Ztransform

Specializing in: Radio, TV, Video, systems integration, operational readiness, planning/development, broadcast, corporate media, education and government

(317) 846-9000 cscherer@sbe.org SBE – Society of Broadcast Engineers

Specializing in: The Contract & Consulting Engineer Directory is comprised of SBE Members who offer contract and/or consulting engineering services.

(315) 316-2928 bcarter@midatlanticengineeringservice.com MidAtlantic-Engineering-Service LLC

Specializing in: Radio, TV, RF, Satellite, Computer Networking, AM DAs, AM/FM IBOC, studio/xmtr maintenance, due-diligence, remote monitoring/logging support, EAS, FCC Compliance, AM/FM signal (FIM) - NRSC measurements. Covering the entire Northeast. (NY, Vt,, Mass, NH, Ct, RI)

(916) 412-8052 jeremy@wavelengthtechnical.com Wavelength Technical Solutions LLC

Specializing in: Broadcast engineering services, integration, and project support  

(916) 234-3531 sales@sweservices.net SWE Services, LLC

Specializing in: Comprehensive tower and broadcast solutions, including new tower construction, structural modifications, inspections, and maintenance services