The Drawmer DS404 Quad Noise Gate is ideally suited for use over a wide range of input signals, ranging from drums and other percussive instruments to vocals, pianos and even complete mixes.
The DS404's variable low-pass and high-pass filters deliver precise frequency selective gating. The unit can be switched for either internal or external key source, while its Key Listen facility lets you monitor the filter setting.
Each channel of the DS404 can be operated as a HARD or SOFT gate for sonic flexibility (two colored LEDs clearly indicate mode status). In the HARD mode the DS404 offers ultra-fast response time, stable triggering with complete freedom from chatter around threshold and a specialized release contour that is ideally suited to drums and other percussive material. In the SOFT mode the DS404 becomes a versatile Expander capable of handling vocals and sub mixes. Drawmer's unique Program Adaptive circuitry is used to optimize the attack time and ratio as well has having some effect on the manual release setting. A more gentle release characteristic is utilized to complement the SOFT gate.
A fully variable threshold control provides a range from +20dB to -70dB, and a fully variable release control offers release times from 10 ms to 5 sec to ensure essential envelope control. The DS404 also has switchable attenuation between 90dB and 20dB to allow for applications where a complete mute is not desired.
Operating the LINK control switches the channel on the right to SLAVE operation, where its gating mode, threshold and envelope characteristics are controlled by the MASTER (left) channel. Any adjacent three channels or two stereo pairs can be linked in this way for use in any conceivable situation where linking may be required.
The DS404 is features balanced inputs and outputs on XLR connections.