The IP-Tablet software package allows users the ability customize and consolidate control of Axia Fusion and Element consoles, xNodes, Telos Phone systems and codecs and Omnia processors all on a single, standard Windows PC or touchscreen tablet. Users need to purchase this software item—the IP Tablet Core license—for each tablet or PC they want to use in their studio environment. On top of this license, users will need to purchase a license for each hardware device they want to control. (Licenses are available as listed below for: Axia StudioEngine and PowerStation to unlock console control functions; Axia QOR.32/16 to unlock functionality in DESQ, RAQ, Radius, and iQ consoles; Axia xNodes to control the internal mixer; Telos Z/IP ONEs; Telos VX and VX Prime phone systems; Omnia VOCO 8 mic processor; and the Omnia.9 on-air processor. IP-Tablet Pathfinder Button License (IP-TAB-SWBTT) and IP-Tablet Metadata Tools License (IP-TAB-TOOLS), also listed below, are included with the Core license. You need a single license for each piece of hardware you want to control regardless of the number of tablets that want to access that device.