ADKWindtech windscreens are made of an open-cell,hypo-allergenic foam that won't color sound, yet provide maximum protection against wind-noise and P-popping. X-large cylindrical, inside diameter 2"; black.
The WS1 series works great with the following mics:
ADK51S, Area 51TT, TC.
AKG120, 220, 420, 820 Tube, C2000, C3000, C4000, C4500, C5600, D3400, D3500, D3600, "The Tube", Perception 100, 820.
Audio TechnicaAE2500, AE3000, AT2020, ATR2500, AT4033, AT3035, AT4040, AT4047, AT4050, AT4060, AT4080, ATM250.
AudixCX101, CX111, CX211.
BeyerM99, MC834, MCE82, MCE90.
CADM177, M170.
Electro VoiceRE20, PL20, RE27 N/D, RE320, RE1000, RE2000.
HeilPR30, PR40.
MojaveMA200, MA201 MXL V87.
NeumannTLM50, TLM102, TLM103, TLM170, TLM193, U87i, U89i, U/SM69.
OktavaMC219, MC220, MC312, MC319, VM100.
RodeNT1, NT2, NTV, NT1000, Broadcaster.
Sennheisere602, MD421U.
ShureKSM27, KSM32, KSM44, SM7B.
SterlingST77, ST79.
And most large format studio and broadcast type microphones up to 2.125" (54mm) in diameter.
*RE20 pictured, is not included